
Payment FAQ

Author: Ian Davis - Chief Operations Officer

Published: 4 Aug 2022

Last Updated: 29 May 2024


We cover payment options and related questions both for online and showroom purchases.

Our other popular FAQ pages offer answers on buying gold and silver and explain our new DigitAul services; whilst common questions about how to pay for gold and our delivery schedule can be found via our FAQ hub page. 

Pay With Debit or Credit Card?

We accept online payments using debit cards up to the value of £10,000 per transaction; we have this lower limit as we are charged a percentage to transact debit cards which on high value deals can erode already tight profit margins.

We could raise prices to cover this cost but we would like to be transparent and request higher value deals are transacted via bank transfer (BACS). We no longer accept credit cards, please see our blog as to why we say no to credit cards!!

What Are Your Other Payment Options? 

Aside from debit cards we offer the following:

  • Bank Transfer (BACS)
    • Bank transfer payments must be made immediately following completion of your order and failure to do so may result in the prices being recalculated and an administration fee being charged. Please use your name as a reference as we often receive payments for similar amounts.

    • Please note that orders paid via bank transfer will never be despatched on the same working day due to the high risk of fraud.

  • Cash
    • As a HMRC registered high value dealer we are approved to accept cash up to any value for transactions carried out in our showroom.

    • Please note cash transactions trigger due diligence checks and we reserve the right to ask for identification.

  • Cheque
    • Cheques must be posted first class the same day you place your order. Failure to do so may result in the prices being recalculated and an administration fee being charged.

    • We allow a minimum of eight working days for UK cheques to clear and six weeks for cheques drawn on an overseas bank.

What is 3D Secure/Authentication?

This is an extra level of security offered during an online card transaction and if your bank triggers this check you must pass successfully, otherwise we cannot accept the transaction. We do this to protect everybody from criminal activity and fraud. Initially introduced by Visa under the name of Verified by Visa, 3-D Secure has also been adopted by MasterCard as MasterCard SecureCode. This program has been adopted across the world by many leading banking and financial institutions.

Why Is My Payment Not Going Through?

There can be many reasons for an online payment to fail. These can be account issues with your bank, technical issues with Sagepay (our payment gateway) or even user error. We have several checks in place and ask customers to enter their address details exactly as it appears on the bank statement or better still find the address via our post code lookup tool. If you get persistent issues, please contact us on 01253 343081 .

Can Someone Pay on My Behalf?

Unfortunately, we do not accept 3rd party payments. All orders must be in the name of the person paying. 

Which Currencies Do You Accept?

We accept Sterling, US Dollars and Euros. For more information, please read our payment and identification page.

Do You Accept Bitcoin?

We currently do not accept Bitcoin. However, if this is of an interest to you please let us know.

Can I Pay Using My Digital Metal Account?

If you have a positive balance on your DigitAul account, this can be used as a payment on any product or service we offer.

How Do You Calculate an Exchange Rate?

We use the live exchange rate then factor in costs and a small % for foreign exchange exposure. The final calculated rate is then published on product pages in the buy widget or our staff can quote you the rate on the phone.

Why Do I Need to Provide Identification?

We are required under UK law to keep identification on file - please see our identification page for more information.

Can I cancel my order?

Once a Purchase Confirmation has been accepted by you (including orally over the telephone or in person), it cannot be cancelled or amended without the prior consent of you and us. The Goods may be resold by us as soon as you have accepted a Purchase Confirmation.

Can I get a discount when buying in larger quantities?

At Chards we offer our customers a discount that is referred as 'quantity breaks'.

Quantity breaks can be seen on our website when viewing products that you wish to buy in the quantity breaks tab that is located underneath the product description. How Quantity breaks work is that the more coins you purchase the lower the premiums will be per coin depending on the quantity breaks of the product that you are viewing.

Would I need to pay CGT on my purchase?

Gov.uk advise that bullion is classed as a chattel. They state that for capital gains tax purposes a 'Chattel' is a chargeable asset and that bullion falls into this category.

To avoid paying Capital Gains Tax customers should buy capital gains tax exempt coins which include:

  • Sovereigns minted in 1837 and later years
  • Britannias
  • British Lunar Series

What if I forgot my Invoice number?

In the event that you lost your invoice number, you can locate it inside your Chards account. Trouble logging into your Chards account? If unable to log into your Chards account, you can contact one of our customer service staff by calling our contact company number 01253 343081 and answering security questions to confirm it is you for security purposes.

What If I can't sign into my Chards Account?

If you can't sign in to your Chards Account, see the issue that most closely applies to you.

  • You forgot the password
  • You have lost your device and can't access your Authentication Codes
  • You have lost access to your email address that is linked to your Chards account.

1) You forgot the password

In an event that you forget your password for your Chards account you can reset your password by hovering over the account icon in the top navigation and clicking sign in. Secondly, click the forgot your password? link next to the login button and underneath the email address and password fields. Input your email address into the field and you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password for your Chards account.

2) You have forgot your Authentication Code

After entering your email and password you will be directed to the page where you must enter your authentication code on two-step verification to prove it is you attempting to log into your Chards account. If you have lost your device and no longer have access to your two-step verification you can press the Use your backup code instead that is highlighted in gold underneath the cancel and continue buttons. After clicking the backup code link, you will then need to input your backup code to login or click the contact us link at the bottom highlighted in gold where you will be able to contact our customer service staff to help you log back into your Chards account.

3) You have lost access to your email address that is linked to your Chards account.

If you can't sign into your Chards account because you have forgot your email address that is linked, you can call one of our customer service operatives on our company number 01253 343081 and they will help guide you through the process of recovering your Chards account.

More Helpful FAQ Pages

Investing In Gold 

Investing In Silver 

Buying From Chards

Selling to Chards

Delivery Of Your Bullion

DigitAul And Storage Services 

Coin Grading & Appraisal

Key Terms & Phrases

This guide and its content is copyright of Chard (1964) Ltd - © Chard (1964) Ltd 2024. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited.

We are not financial advisers and we would always recommend that you consult with one prior to making any investment decision.

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